Sunday, May 10, 2009

Follow my Blog........

Ok, I didn't know I could do it, but I've clicked a bunch of tabs and set up the "Follow" feature on my blog. Look over at the top right and click on that thingy, Blogger calls it a "widget", I call it a thingy. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I think it will let you know when I add a new post, AND, I will be able to see you and know your there!!!! Which is great! Don't be shy, but you can follow privately.
I went to see my mom today for Mother's day and she was telling me that somebody in her Sunday school class told her that they love to read Greg's Bog... Mom called it a Bog......... she said "she just went on and on about your Bog".... =). I didn't correct her... it's Mothers Day.

So ya'll "follow" along, and tell your friends!!!
