We lived through a tornado. Thank God.
I pray for my neighbor Mrs. Faye Nell's family. She didn't survive; her home was destroyed. I can throw a rock to where her home was. I'm thankful Jerry and Michelle and their child are OK. Their house was destroyed.
David, Vickie, Jacob, LaShae, Jade and Kamden are OK.
Mr. Jerry and Jewel Waits are OK. They took a ride in thier house.
My mom, my sister and Danny, Garrett and Maggie are OK.
Chris, Rhonda, Jake and Maggie are OK. Donald, and his mom Marylin are OK. Gordon and Linda. LCHS senior Samantha and her family.We all are so blessed and SO THANKFUL.
I can not possibly thank everyone who has came out here this week and helped up clean up this mess. But I've got to name a few friends that have really helped us.Webb and Logan U. and that big 4020 John Deere, Thank You. Logan A., Kevin L. thank you.Russ, who went and got my airtank filled at 5 points, so I could fix my tractor's flat tire. Daniel J. who took on that big pine tree. Jeff, and Jerry for helping me clean out my frame room.Tina and Gina and Mrs. Cross for doing all that "girls work" (sweeping) for me. Cheryl and Amy calling to check on me.My aunts and uncles who all came to help. Shane and his bobcat. Skippy and Todd who took on that huge oak tree; and actually cut the thing down. John M. and his saw. AJ and his saw. The guy on the bulldozer, Joshep. Mr. Hooper and Myles who ran those trac-hoes. All the students from LCHS who came out and picked up; I know I saw Austin, Les, Jake, Carlie, Collins, those Fagan brothers, Forrest K. (who mostly provided entertainment, which was needed), Bronnie, Kerby, Clay. Across the road I saw Myle T., Brigette, Kaylyn and so many more. I can't remember you all. Sheree for getting me the best deal on a new TV. (and all those Mt. Dews) .And all those people I didn't know! Those guys from the Speake Fire Dept., Browns Ferry Maintence Dept. All the food and drinks! The Trinity Baptist church, Sherry and Belinda and thier mom. (I loved those enchiladas). AND THE FAIRFIELD CHURCH OF CHRIST. I don't know who all brought food thier, but I ate luch there 3 days and it was wonderful. I got into some squash casserole that was AWESOME. Sat. morning, I ate some coconut cake for breakfast that came from the church; I know it wasn't a nutritous breakfast, and that's why I ate it. It sure was good.I know I can't thank you all, but you made so much of a difference in this disaster. Govorner Riley came to the church and Lisa talked to him but I was talking to somebody else and didn't get a picture of them.
We lost almost all of our trees. I can walk out on the porch now and see all the way to Fairfield.I loved my trees.
As a youngster I climbed to the very top of every one of them.For the last 5 days I've been amongst their treetops again. This time with a chainsaw to cut them up into pieces small enough to throw into a pile.ButI will never forget the feeling it gave me to have climbed to the top of one of them.
To me, it was the top of the world.