I wanted you to meet MY team-mates at International Paper, Courtland. The team involved in starting up the new #9 sheeter. On March 20th, 7:15 am, we began our performace run.
24 hrs later, we had produced
582 tons of paper.
A new World Record!
(a record previously held by some paper company called "Warehouser" or something like that.This was a tremendous effort
by ; not only the 24 team memebers of the #9 Line, but our friends from all over the world. Germany, England, Wisconsion, (
well, I think Wisconsion is in the states). Our leaders and managers at IP. So many people were involved in making this such a huch success. It was AWESOME to be a part of. LCHS and ELHS student TAKE NOTE!Excellence is NEVER accidental. It is the result of high intentions, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution; and the VISION to see obstacles as oppurutunity.
Remember that.